Benefits of Stainless Steel Water Tanks in Rainwater Harvesting

There are many reasons why homeowners prefer rainwater harvesting to supplement municipal water supply or borehole water. For starters, some parts of Australia experience prolonged droughts, which cause water shortages. Also, some homeowners require a constant supply of water for domestic and agricultural use year-round. In this regard, rainwater harvesting can bridge the gap by providing water for washing, cleaning and watering animals and irrigation. Central to a rainwater harvesting system is a rainwater tank. One of the most preferred tank materials is stainless steel due to its benefits, including corrosion resistance, environmental friendliness and durability. This article examines the benefits of using stainless steel water tanks in rainwater harvesting. 


Although the initial cost of a stainless steel container is higher than other tank materials, the tank requires less maintenance and repairs during its lifespan. Therefore, the total cost of ownership is far much lower than other rainwater tanks. Also, stainless steel water tanks have an incredibly long life. In a nutshell, stainless steel tanks can withstand the test of time.

Corrosion-, Fire- and Impact-Resistant 

Stainless steel tanks are designed with exceptional finishes and coating to make them resistant to corrosion, especially when storing rainwater that contains corrosive elements. Besides, some regions in Australia experience frequent wildfires, which can damage rainwater tanks. However, high-grade stainless steel tanks are resistant to the destructive effects of fires. Similarly, the toughness of stainless steel makes the tanks resistant to impact because the material does not warp or bulge, especially during transportation and installation. However, corrosion of screws and rivets, which join tank components, is known to occur in some stainless steel tanks. In this sense, occasional maintenance might be required to keep a tank in great shape. 

Tank Size 

The size of the stainless steel tank you require depends on your water harvesting needs and budget. The best part about stainless steel tanks is that they can be fabricated to higher capacities. Therefore, such storage can provide water for domestic and agricultural use, even during dry seasons. Also, you do not need to incur huge expenses buying multiple tanks to achieve your desired water capacity, which is the case with poly tanks. 


Stainless steel tanks have two distinct grades, namely 304 and 316. Type 304 comprises 18% chromium and 8% nickel, making it highly resistant to corrosion and oxidation. Type 316 is made from an austenitic chromium-nickel combination, which is resistant to heat, corrosion and chemicals. Therefore, type 316 is superior to type 304; hence, ideal for harsh environments. Note that type 316 stainless steel tanks are pricier compared to their type 304 counterparts. 
